How to Use Link Building to Attract Dating Traffic

If you’re using a blog to promote dating offers on behalf of an affiliate program, attracting traffic is likely one of your biggest challenges. With more than 600 million blogs and 1.6 billion active websites out there in cyberspace, you’ve got a lot of competition on your hands. And you’ll need to employ all sorts of tactics to get your share of that valuable dating traffic. But while finding the best keywords for your niche, and creating killer content are integral, it doesn’t end there. There are many other strategies you can employ to attract people to your blog. And link building is one of the most effective.

So, where do you start?

How to Start Using Link Building to Attract Dating Traffic

What is link building?

Link building is one of the most enduring strategies for improving the SEO ranking of a blog or website. And it’s basically the process of increasing the number of inbound links going to your blog. The more genuine links you have, the more of an authority in your field you will seem. And the higher you will place on search pages. The impact on the amount of dating traffic you receive can be significant.

How to start link building

There are a huge number of different strategies you can employ to generate backlinks. Many won’t be appropriate for affiliate partnership program work. And some simply won’t be effective for attracting dating traffic. But they all start with the same base:

1. Content

Make sure your content is up to scratch. People will only link to a blog as an authority if it is:

  • Authentic, accurate and original
  • Well written (and if possible, entertaining)
  • Provides good value
  • And is easy to read in terms of format and style

2. Links

Including links in your own content is a great way of providing value to your readers (as we have done in the paragraph above). But it’s also a good way of attracting website owners to your site. And if they’re seen that you’re linking to them and your content is relevant, they may reciprocate.

3. Social media

If you’re working with an online dating affiliate, the chances are that you’re already using social media to attract dating traffic. But you can use social media to encourage link sharing too. The whole emphasis of social media has shifted towards shareability, so keep that in mind when creating posts. And always focus on value.

4. Outreach

In some circumstances, the direct approach can work with link building. And by emailing bloggers or webmasters and explaining why you think your content would appeal to their audience, you can make some really great connections. You might even consider offering to create a guest post for their platform. That way, you get a link, and you significantly increase your chances of gaining dating traffic from it by showcasing your style and content to a new audience.

5. Join in

Interacting with people in forums is a great way to get your content seen. If people like you and share your views, they’re likely to view your profile, and then your content. That way, you’ll gain organic shares. And once you’ve got to know other forum members you can ask them to share your link as a favor.

This is the very beginning of link building. It takes time and patience and there is much more that you can do over time. But if you’re looking for a way to increase your dating traffic and you’ve already tried the other SEO routes, building links is definitely worth the effort.