Is Your SEO Working to Maximise the Potential of Your Dating Offers?

Pretty much everyone knows that when you’re working online SEO matters. When your income is based around an affiliate program SEO becomes doubly important. But what is SEO? And how do you know if you’re using it to its full potential when promoting your dating offers?

What is SEO?

SEO – Search Engine Optimisation – is basically what makes your website findable. The words that you choose to describe your business, products, services, or the nature of your blog is what defines you online. The frequency with which you use your key words and the skill with which you use them impact upon the strength of your SEO. There are various things that you can do improve upon your SEO performance.

Why does SEO matter?

So, why would you want to improve your SEO performance? Simply put, because strong SEO helps you to reach the widest possible audience. The better you manage your SEO, the higher you will rank on search engines such as Google. And the higher you rank, the more likely people are to see your website – and your dating offers. Of course, when you’re working with pay per lead dating affiliate programs, the more people who see your links, the better.

How can you make sure that your SEO gets your dating offers seen?

1. Keyword research

Keyword research isn’t complicated. Your starting place is to make a list of all the words that are most relevant to your topic. In this case, ‘dating, online dating, dating sites, international dating,’ would be good places to start. Use search engines – or free online tools – to find out how often these terms are searched and select the 20 most popular to be your keywords. Augment this list with Google’s related search terms. Once you’ve found your key words, use them. Include them in your titles as well as in the body of your posts. Make sure they’re also used in your website description.

2. Post length and style.

When writing a blog aimed at dating traffic it’s easy enough to produce posts in a single block of text, stopping when you’ve said all you need to say. Especially if you’re writing about personal experiences. But if you’re wanting to get the best from SEO, it’s a good idea to structure your posts with headings and keep an eye on length. Large blocks of text aren’t easy to read. Headings help break things up, which is good for your reader. But it also better enables search engines to find the relevant info to rank you. In terms of length, the current recommendation is that you publish a couple of 1,000-1,500-word in-depth articles every year. After that, you need to aim for between 300-600 words for your regular weekly posts.

3. Link within your website

If you’re working with dating affiliate programs, the temptation is to use all your links to promote your dating offers. After all, that’s what will bring in the cash. However, it’s also a good idea to link back to your own posts within your own website. This shows that you’re working to provide information for readers, and enhances your SEO.

4. Don’t forget to use your images.

A lot of people only think of words when trying to boost SEO. However, your pictures also count. If you title them using your keywords they will contribute to your SEO, bringing more people to your dating offers. You also need to make sure that your images are small enough to load quickly, but large enough to be clear.

When you’re just starting out, SEO can seem both beguilingly simply and desperately complicated to master. The truth of the matter is that it’s neither. And both. You just need to learn the rules. If you follow these guidelines, it won’t be long before your dating traffic begins to grow.