Using Facebook Ads to Increase Dating Traffic

A lot of people begin working with a dating affiliate network as a ‘zero cost’ money-making enterprise. They have their website. They have their products or services. An online affiliate program presents the opportunity for just another passive income stream. And that’s great, it can work, providing a small trickle of cash for nothing. But, there’s an old adage that says, ‘you’ve got to spend money to make money.’ And more and more affiliate marketers are discovering the truth of that. A small investment in social media ads can multiply your dating traffic by one hundred-fold. More, if you’re clever about it. And, if you’re really clever, you can convert that traffic into sales.
So, how can you use Facebook ads to increase your traffic and sales?
Focus on the reason behind your campaign
Facebook ad campaigns are created for all sorts of reasons. For some, just being seen, or increasing followers is enough. You, however, are working with a very specific set of goals in mind: increasing dating traffic so that you can increase your affiliate conversion rates – and your income. You can either do this by creating a sales funnel back via your website, or promoting your affiliate product/service/brand on the ad. So, consider your objective carefully, then focus on it.
Remember your target audience
One of the real beauties of using Facebook ads to increase your earnings is that it gives you super control over niche targeting. You’re not going to get much dating traffic from 16-year-old girls, and not all dating sites appeal to the same demographic. Equally, some people within your demographic never engage with ads. Narrowing your demographic and using behavioural targeting allows you to get the biggest possible bang from your advertising buck. Flex targeting enhances this further, allowing you to stipulate the behaviours of those you’re targeting. So, you could say: male, 35-55, single, who has shown an interest in dating and/or has responded to ads. Just as an example.
Pay attention to your choice of images
For most people, it’s the image on an ad that first catches the eye. So, if you’re looking to increase dating traffic or highlight your affiliate program’s dating offers you need to choose an image that will appeal to your target demographic. Try to make it something a little bit different from the norm, but still inline with your message. Most dating ads rely on the heart motif. While this can work, as it’s immediately clear what you’re promoting, it’s now so stale that it’s unlikely to trigger curiosity. Making people laugh is great hook, worth trying. Spending time to refine your image selection can be a good investment.
Create clear, clever copy
The humour hook is equally useful when it comes to copy. But the most important part of ad copywriting for increasing dating traffic is to clearly and concisely deliver the benefits of the service you’re promoting. Think of a killer headline which compliments your picture. Then, fill in the blanks with benefits. Make sure that anyone who views the ad on Facebook can see exactly how good/different/unique/necessary the service you’re promoting is.
Test, test, test…
As with all forms of marketing, the best way to find success is to test the efficacy of your ad. Running split tests by either creating three or four different ads, or altering your target audience for a mini/lower budget campaign before investing in a full launch will let you know whether your ad is likely to be a winner. If there is no clear winner, you’ve been given a chance to try again before you blow your budget.
Happy marketing!