How to Avoid the Spam Folder When using Email Marketing for Affiliate Program Work

Email marketing can be a brilliant traffic source for anyone who works with affiliate programs. You’re playing to a receptive audience. You can personalize your content. And it’s a great way to build relationships with your prospective link clickers. But it comes with one major problem: spambots. During the course of the last few years, cyberspace has really cleaned up its act. ISPs have taken stringent measures to stop spammers from bothering their customers. And the public is far less tolerant of having their inboxes intruded upon. So, while email marketing can be an integral part of affiliate program work, you have to do it the right way if you want to avoid those spam folders. Or worse, ISP blacklisting.

5 Tips for Keeping Your Email Marketing Out of the Spam Folder

1. Make sure that people want to hear from you

One of the biggest reasons for emails ending up in the spam folder – or for a sender being blacklisted – is because the recipient marks them as spam. The second greatest reason is that the emails you’re sending aren’t being opened. So, you need to provide an opt-out on all your mails: ‘Don’t want to receive any more exciting offers? Unsubscribe here.’ And you need to monitor your open rate. If your emails are not being opened by someone, automatically unsubscribe them. This will keep the spam bots happy and increase your conversion rates.

2. Personalize your affiliate program offers

The really great thing about email marketing is that it’s uniquely customizable. You can send out different content to different parts of your audience and at different times. So, if you’re working with dating offers, for example, you can craft different emails for the different demographics you work with – male, female, young, middle-aged, older, heterosexual and homosexual. If you keep your content relevant, people are more likely to want to read what you’ve got to say. Less likely to click the spam button. And more likely to click your pay per sale links.

3. Format your emails

If you want people to read your emails, you have to make them readable. This doesn’t just mean writing interesting content, but formatting so that they can read it easily. So, don’t cram in your text. Don’t use a light font on a dark background. Make sure that the text flows easily and on all platforms – desktop, mobile, etc.. There are plenty of email services, like MailChimp that you can use to create templates and provide instant formatting.

4. Don’t use too many links

If there’s one thing that spambots hate, it’s emails peppered with links. Of course, if you’re working with an affiliate program, your business is getting your affiliate program links clicked. But you only need one or two links to make that happen. If you use too many links your readers will know that you’re just trying to make money from them. And the spambots will too. So, the chances of people actually seeing your links in the first place will be dramatically reduced.

5.Test your emails

Testing is a really important part of email marketing for numerous reasons. It can show you what your audience wants to read. Which content generates most clicks for your affiliate partnership program work. And, crucially, which content is being detected as spam. Frequent testing will keep your emails out of the spam folder. And your affiliate network’s links being clicked.

Email marketing is one of those areas that people get really confused and worried about. It can be so tremendously useful when you’re working with an affiliate program. But people are nervous about those spambots. And with good reason. But if you take a few precautions, there is no reason at all why you shouldn’t be able to avoid the spam folder and use email to generate a good income from your affiliate work.