Love in the Time of COVID: How to Promote Dating Offers when Social Distancing Rules Apply

So much has changed in the last eight months. We’ve moved from a state of what now seems like startling freedom, to a time of unmitigated anxiety. Covid-19 has changed working and social practices around the world. So, at a time when half of the world is wearing masks, travel is heavily restricted, many of the common first-date activities are off-limits, and social distancing has become a part of the ‘new normal’, how can you possibly hope to promote affiliate program dating offers online?
Well, strange as it might sound, online dating is the one thing you can do in 2020. So, how can you promote your affiliate program’s dating offers while the pandemic rumbles on?
Five Angles to Promote Dating Offers when Social Distancing Rules Apply
A time for romance
In contemporary dating, romance often seems dead. With hook-up apps aplenty, there hardly seems room for the more traditional style of wooing. Covid-19 has made everyone take a step back and think twice about casual contact. And this leaves more opportunity for the gentler folk to find their form. It’s your job to remind them what dating could – and maybe should – be all about. Getting to know another person beyond the surface level. The forging of a relationship rather than a fling. With the right content you have the chance of doing that.
Using free time well
Last summer, free time was hard to find. If you weren’t working, you were commuting, having drinks with colleagues, shopping, or doing any one of the hundreds of everyday activities we all took for granted. Now, even in places where restrictions are being lifted, people have a lot more free time on their hands. While binge watching boxsets is always an option, there’s only so much TV you can take. How about getting those dating offers out there as an alternative form of entertainment? Dating can be great fun. It can also be life changing. Let you readers know how transformative online dating can be. And see those pay per sale clicks flow in.
The fun of flirting
Flirting is one of the best things about getting to know someone online. It’s not just entertaining. It’s exciting, amusing and enjoyable. That flutter you get when you receive a response to one of your messages? That’s priceless. That alone is worth the effort of getting back on the dating wagon. There will be plenty of people out there just waiting to be reminded of that.
Variety is the spice of life
“I have literally four dates planned tonight,” Serena Kerrigan, a 26-year-old New York single recently commented to CNBC . “There’s no dealing with the logistics. Who’s going to split the bill? Are you going to kiss me after the date? There’s so many different things that are very distracting [about dating].”
Right now, online dating is easy. Because no one expects to meet up. So, like Serena, you can easily have four dates in one night. You can have ten, if you like. You can enjoy the fun of flirting with as many people as you want to. And you don’t even have to press your pants to do it. Keep your webcam pointing at your face and no one will be any the wiser if you’re dating in your pyjamas. It might lead to something real and lasting. Or it might just fill in your down time while you’re waiting for real life to resume. Who cares? It’s fun! And that’s a great angle for securing dating traffic.
Time saving
Finally, anyone who has tried online dating will have met their share of timewasters. Those ones who seem perfect on paper, but turn out to be a complete non-starter when you meet in the flesh. Of course, with Affiliate2Day’s dating affiliate sites, that’s never a problem. We always ensure that our would-be matchers have plenty of time to video chat before any kind of meeting is even considered. But to those used to exploring the more established dating offers, this can be a seriously refreshing change.
2020 has changed a lot of things. But the basic human need for companionship is not one of them. If you’re working with dating affiliate programs, you have a wealth of potential open to you. You just need to use a little imagination to get your dating offers out there.