How to Use Native Ads to Promote Your Dating Affiliate Network Offers

When you start thinking about ways to find dating traffic for your online affiliate program, the obvious avenues are to create killer content for your website and to look into social media. You might think about using Instagram to reach new markets. Once you’re established, you might consider email marketing. But what a surprising number of people working with a dating affiliate network overlook is native advertising.
What is Native Advertising?
Native advertising – AKA native ads – is when a piece of copy is produced to feature on another publication which looks like it belongs there, but is paid for by an advertiser. Most browsers realise that the copy is an ad, but because the content has been created to appear like a regular feature it should be interesting enough to read and hold the attention. It’s one of the oldest forms of advertising on the internet (it’s also used in print), but it’s still popular because it’s so effective.
How Can I Make Native Ads?
There are two ways to set about using native ads.
- Work with publications directly. This is time-consuming and involves a lot of emailing. You need to research your likely outlets, then make contact with the advertising department. Blogs will often be cost-effective, with a starting fee of around $200. For larger publications, you could be looking at thousands – depending on your product, it could be worthwhile, but it’s probably best to leave this to the business you’re working with to do itself.
- Work with a global platform, such as MGID or Taboola. These platforms help you to both create content and to place it. They’ll talk you through the process and provide you with analytics so you can see how effective your campaign is. Prices vary according to the platforms, but it will almost always be a cheaper option.
Whichever option you go for, you must have a budget for it. It will cost money. But, research that shows native ads have a 53% higher view rate than traditional banner ads, so it should be a worthy investment, if you’re working with the best affiliate programs.
How Do I Create Native Ads to Promote My Dating Affiliate Network Links?
From playing on curiosity to using real life stories, there are numerous tricks to creating native content. Your aim is to produce something that people will first want to click on, then to continue reading – so that they reach your links and boost your conversion rates.
To start with, you need a great headline and a compelling picture. Headlines can be anything that will make people want to read – as long as you have a truthful article that links to them! ‘How I Found Love Online After 40 Year Alone’. ‘Why Your Online Dating Profile Is Letting You Down’. ’10 Secrets for Online Dating Success’. You get the idea.
Then, keep your article concise, engaging – and incomplete. Your aim is to get the reader away from the site hosting your ad and on to your landing pages, or into your sales funnel. If you tell them everything they need to know up front, there will be no reason for them to follow through to your dating affiliate network links.
Native ads aren’t the cheapest way to generate interest in your affiliate program’s dating offers, but if done currently, they can be very effective. As someone somewhere once said, you have to spend money to make money. And this is one of those instances where a medium investment can pay large dividends.