Write the Best SEO-Rich Blogs for Your Dating Offers

Whether you’re an old hand or a new starter, if you’re working with an affiliate program to promote dating offers, you should already be aware of the importance of SEO. You’ll hopefully have already found your own keyword list. And you’ll be looking into making content that gets those pay per sale affiliate links clicked.

But how do you write an SEO-rich blog post that actually engages readers and coverts into sales, as well as working for SEO?

Five Tips for Writing SEO-Rich Blog Posts for Your Dating Offers

1. Know your audience and select the right tone

It doesn’t matter what niche you’re working in. The best way to successfully engage with your intended audience is to write for them. This means, understanding what they’re looking for. And adapting your tone, style and content to your readers. If you’re promoting dating offers, the chances are that a playful tone will work. Especially for a younger demographic. But sometimes seriousness works too. So, think about who you’re writing for before you start, and build your content around them.

2. Spend time on your title

Your headline is the first thing that most of your readers will see. It’s this that will, in most cases, make them decide to stop and read. So, if you don’t get your heading right, the rest of your content won’t matter. Because no one will read it. Getting titles right can take time and practice. But a good place to start is Google.

Search for your intended topic and review what the top-ranking articles are called. Simply copying those titles won’t work for various reasons – copyright laws for one. But it’ll give you a good idea about what works and how you can shape your own title.

You can also use title evaluation tools, such as Coschedule’s Headline Analyzer.

3. Plan your draft

The best blogs often read like the writer is speaking to you. It feels informal, friendly, easy. It creates the impression that the writing process was effortless. That’s because the writer had a plan. So, before you sit down and type out – or dictate – a chatty stream of consciousness, make a list of everything you wish to include. Then organise it so that it flows between appropriate subjects. Then you can start to write. Making sure that you integrate the keywords appropriate to your dating affiliate network.

4. Use images

The old adage that ‘a picture speaks a thousand words’ is true. Even the most dedicated of readers don’t want to read a blog without pictures. If you can’t take your own – and let’s face it, if you’re writing to attract dating traffic, you probably won’t want to! Look for royalty-free image banks. Some, you have to pay for, like Shutterstock. But if you look around, there are plenty of free options, such as Pexels and Pixabay.

5. Review and edit before you upload

You might consider yourself an a-grade typist with a stellar concentration span. But everyone makes mistakes. Everyone. So, the golden rule is never to upload content before you’ve taken the time to edit it. And the best time to edit is after you’ve taken a break. Our brains are funny things and often see what they expect to see is what they will see. So, without a decent break, editing can be difficult. And a poorly edited blog post won’t do wonders for your SEO.

If you’re working with an affiliate network, dating offers are one of the easiest areas to promote. Dating, relationships, love and romance are evergreen topics – they’ll never go out of fashion. This makes your role as an affiliate simpler. But it also means that you have competition. So, you need to get your content right. These tips should set you on your way to the best SEO-rich blog posts around.