How to Choose the Best Affiliate Programs to Work With

June 21, 2021

Whether you’re dabbling in affiliate marketing as a side hustle, or planning to turn it into a full-time career, it’s really important that you find affiliate networks that work for you. Companies that are easy to communicate with. Brands and products that your followers or customers are likely to engage with. And programs with a

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How to Use WhatsApp Marketing to Promote Your Dating Offers

April 13, 2021

There’s quite a lot of confusion when it comes to WhatsApp marketing and affiliate programs. Not so long ago, posting affiliate program links on WhatsApp could get your account closed. And many affiliate networks, such as Amazon, still have a strict no WhatsApp policy in place, which can see your Amazon Affiliate account removed without

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How to Use TikTok Traffic for Your Affiliate Program Work

March 15, 2021

If there is any one social media disruptor right now, it has to be TikTok. It’s been at the center of controversy after controversy. But anyone who is anyone is on it. As well as one billion lesser-knowns. So, if you’re looking for a new audience for your affiliate program work, then TikTok presents a

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dating traffic
Can Native Advertising Boost your Dating Traffic in 2021?

March 2, 2021

When you’re working with affiliate programs, finding ways to get your content seen can be a constant challenge. Enhancing your on-page SEO is the first step. Link building can be useful. And social media presents all kinds of opportunities. But sometimes, you need to spend money to make money. And if you’re going to invest

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