Marketing Strategies to Attract Boomer Dating Traffic

When you think of online dating, it’s the younger demographic that typically comes to mind. But the boomer dating market is… well… booming too! But if you’re working with an online affiliate program, looking to attract dating traffic, you may need to change your approach for older generations. So, what marketing strategies work best for boomer dating offers?

7 Approaches to Attracting Boomer Dating Traffic

1. Forget Slang

It’s a massive generalization to say that the over 60s don’t understand slang. In fact, most of the time, they do. They know exactly what slang terms and abbreviations mean. Their children and grandchildren probably use slang words all the time. They just don’t appeal to them. So, if you want to become a voice of authority and credibility, you need to work in a tone that appeals. That means taking the time to get the language right.

2. Be useful

One of the most important recent Google updates focused on usefulness. And that’s because it’s what most internet searchers are looking for. While social media is there for entertainment, we want other forms of web content for information. And this is doubly true for the older generations. If you’re going to attract boomers, you need to be useful to them. So, answer questions. Provide guidance. Offer support.

3. Don’t call them ‘boomers’!

No one wants to be categorized. And no one wants to be reminded of their age. ‘Boomers’ is a term that is often used affectionately (as it is here!). But it can also be offensive. And the same applies to ‘old, older, aged, pensioners’ or anything else that may imply a senior generation.

4. Work on authenticity

The internet is saturated these days. There are hundreds of thousands of other people doing what you do. The ones who do it successfully, are the ones who present an aura of authenticity. Authenticity is integral in all affiliate program marketing strategies. It supports SEO, builds trust, and creates genuine connections.

5. Don’t waste your time on the wrong social media platforms

Every social media platform attracts a different demographic. And right now, boomers are using Facebook more than any other platform. That doesn’t mean that Facebook is necessarily right for your needs. You’ll still have to research your particular target. But the important thing is that unlike younger generations, who have a presence on every social network, boomers tend to be more loyal. They favour just one or two platforms. So, to begin with, at least, it’s worth focusing your efforts in one place.

6. Don’t use clickbait

Ethical clickbait can be really useful for attracting dating traffic. But for boomers, it’s typically a turn off. Boomers won’t waste time wading through irrelevant content. And if they think you’re taking them for a fool, they won’t give you another chance. So, by all means, use attention-grabbing headlines. But make sure that they deliver.

7. Don’t forget about technical SEO

Just because you’re working with an audience that is potentially less tech-savvy, it doesn’t mean you can cut corners. Technical SEO means that your site is secure, highly responsive on every platform, well indexed, and easy to navigate. So, keep in mind that the easier your site is to work with, the more likely that viewers will become followers.

When you’re targeting boomer dating traffic for top affiliate programs, straight, uncomplicated, open, and honest strategies work best. Your audience wants to be informed, not dazzled. They want advice, not to be patronized. And they want quality over clickbait. Keep these things in mind, and you’ll find a lot more success in your affiliate program work.