Ideas for Content Creation when Working with Dating Affiliate Programs

Here we are in the middle of September already. The summer is over and it’s time to start planning your winter campaigns to get that pay per sale cash rolling in. But you won’t be alone if you’re starting to find content creation a struggle. It’s easy to feel that your topics are finite when you’re working with dating affiliate programs. After all, how many ways can you talk about ‘finding the one’? But there are so many other avenues for you to explore. And with interest in dating and relationships always spiking between Christmas and New Year now is not the time to let your content crumble.
So, how would you like a few fresh ideas to get that dating traffic driving to your door?
5 Smart Content Ideas to Feed Your Dating Affiliate Program’s Links
1. Keep track of trends
Staying up to date is one of the easiest ways to keep blog content coming. So, use BuzzSumo or Ahrefs to keep track of the topics that are trending in your niche. Could you write something around the latest dating buzz words? Do you know your kittenfishing from your bread-crumbing? Is there a blog or ten you could write around that or any other trending topics?
2. Ask your readers what they want
One of the really great things about working online is that it is interactive. You can ask your readers a question. And they can answer. You can put it out on social media. Send it out to your mailing list. Or even use the question as a blog topic itself. Ask your readers what they are interested in, why they read your posts/watch your videos. Find out what they want to know and give it to them. Not forgetting to mix in your dating offers along the way.
3. Answer the most commonly asked questions
Whatever your area of interest, there will be people asking questions about it online. Dating is no exception. There are plenty of question generation platforms available – Quora, WolframAlpha, Answer the Public. All you need to do is find out the questions that are most frequently asked about dating, and answer them. This alone could keep your blog turning over for months on end.
4. Look at Amazon’s book lists
If you want to know what your core demographic is interested, find out what they’re reading. The dating and relationship books that make the bestseller’s lists will be full to bursting with ideas. Using the book’s structures as a guide for content won’t do amazing things for your SEO – those keywords will already be at saturation point. BUT it will give you a strong core of vital information that people want to read. And the biggest challenge you face when working with dating affiliate sites is getting people to read your content.
5. Make yourself the story
A lot of dating blogs are already pretty personal. And you may have told your story before – what brought you to looking for love online. But that doesn’t mean that you can’t keep adding to your narrative. Why not sign up to the platforms your dating affiliate programs are linked to and write about your experiences of internet dating? You would, of course, have to use your discretion, but that doesn’t mean that it couldn’t be a lot of fun in the process. And who knows, you may even come away with a new lover of your own!
There are so many options for creating fun content around the dating industry. You can conduct insider interviews, revisit old posts and build upon subjects that have gained a lot of hits, continuing the saga. Then, of course, you have the traditional dating and relationship hints and tips for each section of your audience to fall back on. Not forgetting the power of the season to spur people on to romance. The thing is, that the links of your dating affiliate programs will only be clicked if you get them seen by your target audience. And to do that, you need to keep creating content. So, it’s time to get typing!