New opportunities of earning money online

People always were looking for some extra revenue but nowadays it became easier. The Internet gives us these opportunities. I think you have ever heard about Affiliate marketing and about the ways of earning money online. Affiliate marketing became very popular among Internet users of any ages.
Affiliate Program of a famous International Dating Agency
The International dating company Be Happy is happy to present to its customers an internet marketing affiliate program Affiliate2day. This program or this network is a good way of getting additional profit and to benefit expending minimum efforts. As you may know, dating is the source of high earnings and Affiliate2day propose you to become its partner to gain money in this domain. Affiliate2day is an intermediary between advertisers and publishers that helps to generate Internet dating traffic providing high-powered marketing tools: exclusive banners, text links, and others.
About the sites of this affiliate program
As Affiliate2day is a dating affiliate program and the dating is a lucrative business. This affiliate network concentrates its attention on single men of 25 years old and older who are interested in dating services. The sites and have a great number of young and beautiful women who attract men’s attention. The targeted countries for these sites are USA, Canada, New Zealand, Britain, Australia, Japan and others so their customers are needed in helping to communicate with women from Russia, Ukraine, China, Thailand and Latin America. These women are real and they dream about getting married to strangers. The sites in their turn deliver fee-paying services to help in communication to both men and women. They help with translation, an organization of the meeting, transportation and other services. Attracting new single men to this system, you will earn not bad money.
Three ways of earning: pay per first order, pay per sale and pay per lead affiliate programs
All you need for earning money is to have a site where you could pose the perfect designed banner, which you may choose after signing up in the Affiliate2day platform, and generate more users for these two dating sites. Affiliate2day is considered to be the best affiliate program in dating domain. It proposes three offers you may work with.
Let’s discuss all three offers in stages
The first one is Pay Per First Order. The affiliates working with this program get money for the first orders of the clients they led to the site. Working this way they may earn up to $250 for an order. More clients make their first purchase bigger your commission will be.
The second program I will tell you about is Pay Per Lead. Driving traffic you will earn $8 per every generated lead definitely you will earn up to $8 per one targeted client. On the home page of Affiliate2day, you can see the list of countries and the commissions you’ll get will depend on the countries your clients are from.
The third type of affiliate sale is Pay Per Sale. The affiliates get the commissions to form the client’s purchases, form every client’s purchase and not only from the first ones. 25% from every purchase, it is a good money considering that you may lead 3-5 clients who will buy and earn money during all time these clients are still interested in sites’ services.
The best affiliate program – the best customer support.
Created in 2005, Affiliate2day may guarantee success to the affiliates working with not important which type of these three programs. Their well-handled and responsive customer service help you anytime you need the help, answer all questions you are interested in and will help you during all time you plan to work on the Affiliate2day’s platform.
To crown it all I may say that Affiliate2day is the best way to earn extra money without investing your own, moreover signing up the Pay Per Sale program you will get $25 USD as a registration bonus. It’s really worth to join this reputable and trustworthy affiliate network that’s ready to pay the people like you for your help in increasing the number of clients.
Affiliate2day is your treasure in the dating industry!
The team of affiliate program of Be Happy Intl invites you to follow this link to become a partner.